Protest Opposes Proposed TIC Law Lifting Limit on San Francisco Condominium Conversions, Threatening Rent Control

Hundreds of organizers gathered at noon on January 28, 2013, on the Eastern steps of San Francisco City Hall to demand an end to proposed legislation from Supervisor Mark Farrell and Supervisor Scott Wiener that threatens the rental market and rent control laws in San Francisco. The measure would lift the standing annual limit on TIC condo conversions to permit 2,000 more conversions, increasing price pressure on real estate, effective pushing more rental units out of the housing market in San Francisco.

Speakers and/or organizers from the San Francisco Tenants Union, Housing Rights Committee of San Francisco, San Francisco Community Tenants Association, Gray Panthers, AIDS Housing Alliance, Sierra Club of San Francisco, Senior and Disability Action, Occupy Bernal, Occupy Noe, and the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE), and many other organizations and individuals attended the press conference and rally, then entered City Hall for a Board of Supervisors Land Use Committee hearing to provide public comment on the proposed measure.

California Legislature Passes State Homeowner Bill of Rights

The California Homeowner Bill of Rights passed both houses of the California legislature on July 2, 2012, and now awaits the governor’s signature or veto.

If signed by the Governor, the legislation would require all banks that provide first loans to homeowners who occupy their home to:

  • Stop “dual-tracking” – when a bank proceeds with a foreclosure while a homeowner is seeking a loan modification
  • Provide a single point of contact, rather than the usual runaround
  • Give borrowers a clear explanation of why they reject a loan modification
  • Verify mortgage documents before a foreclosure and provide copies to borrowers on request (with fines of $7,500 per loan for filing and recording unverified documents)

The legislation also provides borrowers with a limited “right of action” to sue lenders under specific circumstances.

Links: Attorney General Kamala Harris’ Press Release    SF Chronicle Article

San Francisco Foreclosure Fairness Ordinance Press Conference

Update: see press conference videos and photos below

Link: Text of Foreclosure Fairness Ordinance (proposed)

Monday, June 4, 2012
Contact: Angela D’Anna, Assessor-Recorder’s Office 415-554-7434
Raquel Redondiez, Supervisor Avalos’ Office 415-554-7896

Supervisor John Avalos and Assessor-Recorder Phil Ting announce Ballot Initiative to Make Banks Pay Their Fair Share and Keep Homeowners in Their Homes

WHO: Supervisor John Avalos
Assessor-Recorder Phil Ting

WHAT: Announcing the Foreclosure Fairness Ordinance eliminating a transfer tax exemption given to banks and lenders, this ordinance aims to make banks and lenders pay their fair share of taxes and to help keep homeowners in their homes.

WHEN: Monday, June 4th, 2012, 12:00pm, noon

WHERE: City Hall, Polk Street Steps
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102

Videos of Press Conference

Photos of Press Conference

June 1 at the Auctions

On June 1, 2012, an auctioneer must have lied to the protestors and went ahead with the sale of a multi-unit apartment building in San Francisco (none went to investors and 311 Lincoln Way went to the bank), instead of just auctioning off the commercial property we had agreed not to protest.

Video in English (thanks to Peter Menchini):

A large number of folks turned out to stop the auction of the home of Bernal neighbor Alberto del Rio and his family. Fortunately, his family managed to file bankruptcy in time to postpone the auction of his home until July 6, 2012.

The protestors unfurled large banners and many people driving by on Van Ness Ave. honked their horns in support. In addition, the protestors yelled “Shame” and held up mirrors with messages such as “Evicting People From Their Homes is Not Just a Job” toward the investors and auctioneers.

Many Foreclosure and Eviction Fighters (FEFs) spoke on the people’s mic and told their stories to the large crowd assembled in front of City Hall, who demanded an end to residential foreclosures and passage of the California Homeowner Bill of Rights. Beth Stephens and Annie Sprinkle of Occupy Bernal presented Good Neighbor Awards to FEFs such as Archbishop Franzo King.

Thanks to everyone who helped out!

Video en espanol: Indignados protestan frente alcaldía para impedir embargo de vecino

Videos in English (thanks to Carol Harvey):

More videos in English:

Thanks to Peg Hunter for the before-the-next-to-last 54 photos, to Peter Menchini for the nexc-to-last 25 photos, to Grace Martinez of ACCE for the last 5 photos.

San Francisco Board of Supervisors Unanimously Passes Foreclosure Moratorium Resolution

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors on April 10 voted unanimously to pass a resolution calling for “support for state and federal measures to protect homeowners and suspension of foreclosure activities in San Francisco”. The resolution supports the Homeowner Bill of Rights legislation before the state legislature and urges city and county officials and departments to protect homeowners from unlawful foreclosures. The resolution also urges all mortgage and banking institutions to suspend foreclosure activities and related auctions and evictions until state and federal measures to protect homeowners from unfair and unlawful practices, as well as provisions for principal reductions, are in place.

Link: More info and photos

California Homeowner Bill of Rights

Attorney General Kamala D. Harris has announced the California Homeowner Bill of Rights designed to protect homeowners from unfair practices by banks and mortgage companies and to help consumers and communities cope with the state’s urgent mortgage and foreclosure crisis.

Joined by Senate President pro Tem Darrell Steinberg and Assembly Speaker John A. Pérez, Attorney General Harris announced her sponsorship of six bills designed to guarantee:

– Basic standards of fairness in the mortgage process, including an end to dual-track foreclosures
– Transparency in the mortgage process, including a single point of contact for homeowners
– Community tools to prevent blight after banks foreclose upon homes
– Tenant protections after foreclosures
– Enhanced law enforcement to defend homeowner rights – paid for by fees imposed on banks
– A special grand jury to investigate financial and foreclosure crime

Foreclosure Legislation

This page gathers references to local, state, and federal legislation regarding foreclosures and related auctions and evictions, as well as strategies and protests to halt foreclosures.

San Francisco Foreclosure Legislation California Foreclosure Legislation U.S. Foreclosure Legislation Other Related Legislation

San Francisco Foreclosure Legislation

California Foreclosure Legislation

U.S. Foreclosure Legislation

Other Related Legislation