A23 Wells Fargo Shareholder Meeting Protests Draw Hundreds of Protestors, Demand Housing Justice

IMG_3112_1A protest at the Wells Fargo headquarters at 420 Montgomery Street in San Francisco took place on April 13, 2013, in coordination with a protest earlier the same day at the Wells Fargo Shareholder meeting held in Salt Lake City, Utah. These protests are a special edition of the Occupy Wells Fargo Vigil to Stop Evictions.

More than a dozen protestors from the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE) and other organizations infiltrated the shareholders meeting and told Wells Fargo executives what they thought of their practices regarding predatory, illegal, and discriminatory lending and related foreclosures and evictions. Maria Alvarez, whose family is facing eviction by Wells Fargo, got to tell Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf to his face that he is a liar, then Wells threw the protestors out of the shareholders meeting.

IMG_3134_1Meanwhile, in San Francisco, about one hundred protestors from the ACCE (San Francisco and Oakland), Occupy Bernal, Occupy Noe, and the Occupy the Auctions and Evictions campaign held a memorial service in front of the Wells Fargo Headquarters and History Museum at 420 Montgomery Street. A trumpeter named Elaine played taps and Archbishop Franzo King delighted participants with his saxophone stylings. Various spokespeople read out the names of those who have lost their home or their lives to foreclosures and evictions, spoke in solidarity with those protesting in Salt Lake City, and listed off the many families still struggling to save their homes from Wells Fargo. After each name or section, the crowd chanted repeatedly, “Housing Justice, Home Security!”. Finally, Kathy Lipscomb and Merrie Jo Musni delivered some calalilies to Wells Fargo to complete the memorial service.

Links: Media Coverage    Videos of Wells Fargo Protest in Salt Lake City    Videos of Wells Fargo Protest in San Francisco   Photos of Wells Fargo Protest    Videos of Union Bank Protest    Photos of Union Bank Protest

Media Coverage

ABC 4: http://www.abc4.com/content/news/slc/story/Protestors-travel-to-SLC-to-rally-at-Wells-Fargos/bxvrOQVRw0ySHLv5QpLKXA.cspx

Associated Press: http://www.ctpost.com/news/crime/article/Demonstrators-disrupt-Wells-Fargo-meeting-in-Utah-4456961.php

Charlotte Business Journal: http://www.bizjournals.com/charlotte/blog/bank_notes/2013/04/protesters-interrupt-wells-fargo.html

Deseret News: http://www.deseretnews.com/article/print/865578855/Protestors-target-Wells-Fargo-annual-meeting.html

Getty Images: http://www.google.com/hostednews/getty/article/ALeqM5gRHE2aisbbNKB1X2Aq31hpdgV86A?docId=167277289

Philadelphia Business Journal: http://www.bizjournals.com/philadelphia/blog/jeff-blumenthal/2013/04/big-banks-met-with-protest-at-annual.html

Salt Lake Tribune: http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/money/56197313-79/wells-fargo-meeting-bank.html.csp

San Francisco Bay Guardian: http://www.sfbg.com/print/politics/2013/04/23/wells-fargo-foreclosure-fighters-they%E2%80%99re-baaaack

San Francisco Business Times: http://www.bizjournals.com/sanfrancisco/blog/2013/04/protesters-hit-wells-fargo-annual.html?page=all

Videos of Wells Fargo Protest in Salt Lake City

Videos of Wells Fargo Protest in San Francisco

Photos of Wells Fargo Protest

Then, the group broke up with some people going on to protest an eviction by Union Bank at a branch nearby.

Videos of Union Bank Protest

Photos of Union Bank Protest

Foreclosure and Eviction Fighter Profile: Ernesto Viscarra

Ernesto Viscarra is a long-term homeowner and occupant of a home in Bernal, where he also rents to another family living on the 2nd floor. Ernesto has lived in Bernal for 30 years. He is also an accomplished public speaker, a veteran fighter for social justice, and a participant in struggles against U.S. military intervention in Central America.

Wells Fargo offered Ernesto a loan modification and gave him a 3 month trial on the modification. After he made his second payment on the loan modification, Wells Fargo posted his home for public auction. Then, they postponed the sale date. Now, they have listed the home for auction again on June 20, 2012, even though Ernesto is still making payments on the loan. This a case of dual tracking.


  1. Stop dual tracking.
  2. Fair deal loan modification.

Upcoming Bank Auctions/Evictions of Foreclosure/Eviction Fighters

The banks are planning to auction off the homes or evict the following Foreclosure and Eviction Fighter families on the dates listed below. To help defend their homes, please show up at the Occupy the Auction action at 1:45pm on the date listed with a whistle (or other noisemaker) and earplugs. San Francisco Occupy the Auctions actions take place at 1:45pm every weekday (not holidays) on the sidewalk in front of City Hall at 400 Van Ness Ave., unless another time and location is specified or if there are no residential foreclosure auctions scheduled that day. San Francisco evictions usually take place on Wednesdays, starting as early as 6:00am.

Link: Upcoming Auctions/Evictions in San Francisco    Upcoming Bay Area Auctions/Evictions Outside San Francisco    Sold or Cancelled Auctions/Evictions

Upcoming Auctions/Evictions in San Francisco


Photo Date Name Status / Alert
photo71.rotated February 2, 2013 Jemal and Jamila Mohamed Getu Eviction Postponed, Negotiating Home Purchase, Profile
? February 13, 2013 ? Yin Wong Eviction Postponed, Negotiating With Bank
? February 13, 2013 ? Maria Elena Rosales and Carolina Castillo Eviction Pending
? February 13, 2013 ? Betty Davis Alert, Eviction Pending, Bank Negotiations
? February 13, 2013 ? Alfred Richardson Alert, Eviction Pending, Bank Negotiations
? February 13, 2013 ? Alice Smith Eviction Postponed, Bank Negotiations
February 19, 2013 Delmy and Jenny Ramos Auction, Bankruptcy
February 26, 2012 Benjamin and Irma Reed Auction
February 28, 2013 Emilia Hughetti Auction
acce.foreclosure.romeo-baful March 1, 2012 Romeo Baful Auction, Alert
acce.foreclosure.bernetta-adolph March 3, 2013 Bernetta Adolph Eviction, Profile

Upcoming Auctions in Bay Area Outside San Francisco


Photo Date Name Status / Alert
February 28, 2013 Kathrina and Donald Baird Redwood City

Sold, Evicted, or Auction/Eviction Cancelled

Photo Date Name Status / Alert
9am February 27, 2013 Ian Haddow Auction Cancelled, Needs Fair Loan Modification Alert
February 5, 2013 Peter Fairfield Auction Cancelled, Was Dual Tracking
February 4, 2013 Alberto del Rio Alert, Negotiation Sale Rescission of Sale, Sold at Auction, Was Dual Tracking
January 30, 2012 Roxie Harris Auction Cancelled
January 22, 2013 Segundina San Juan Auction Cancelled
December 18, 2012 Thida Chan Auction Cancelled, Trial Loan Modification, Was Dual Tracking
December 18, 2012 Amparo Hidalgo Auction Cancelled
December 13, 2012 Larry Faulks Evicted, Seeking Recission and Loan Modification, Alert, Was Dual Tracked
December 26, 2012 Daniel Pociernicki Auction Cancelled, Trial Loan Modification
December 18, 2012 Jesus Juarez Auction Cancelled, Trial Loan Modification (still wants affordable loan)
December 13, 2012 Mike Doyle Auction Cancelled, Trial Loan Modification
November 13, 2012 Tommie German Auction Cancelled, Loan Modification Signed, Was Dual Tracking, Alert
November 13, 2012 Enrique and Aracely Rodriguez Auction Apparently Postponed or Cancelled, Bank Negotiations
November 7, 2012 Maureen McClendon Accepted Eviction, Obtained Courtesy Delay
October 15, 2012 Reyna Aguilar Sold at Auction
October 15, 2012 Merrie Jo and Edzel Musni Auction Cancelled, Trial Loan Modification, Bank Was Dual Tracking
October 10, 2012 Gigi Ellis Eviction Postponed Indefinitely, Bank Negotiations
October 10, 2012 Ross Rhodes Auction Cancelled, Loan Modification Signed, Bank Was Dual Tracking
October 9, 2012 Ernesto Viscarra Auction Cancelled, Obtained Loan Modification, Bank Was Dual Tracking
June 20, 2012 Maria and Washington Davila Sold to Bank
June 29, 2012 Eric and John Auction Cancelled, Trial Modification, Modification Denied, Was Bank Dual Tracking
July 3, 2012 Emma Castro Cancelled
? September 5, 2012 Veronica Carranza Auction, Litigation to Return Home to Constance Bridgewater
July 23, 2012 Sheila Walsh Alert, Cancelled
September 5, 2012 Sheila McInnis Eviction Postponed, Pursuing Short Sale, HOA
September 5 or 12?, 2012 Denise Collins Eviction Postponed, Negotiating With Bank
September 20, 2012 Ana and Nelson Ramos Auction Cancelled, Negotiating With Bank
September 24, 2012 Archbishop Franzo King Auction Cancelled, Negotiating With Bank
August 22, 2012 Kim Mitchell Eviction Cancelled, Short Sale From Bank, Rent-to-Buy in SUN Initiative

Foreclosure/Eviction Fighter Profiles

Here are some profiles of active Foreclosure and Eviction Fighters in San Francisco.

Links: Foreclosure and Eviction Fighters in San Francisco    Bay Area Fighters Outside San Francisco    Sign up as a Foreclosure/Eviction Fighter or a Home Defender

Foreclosure and Eviction Fighters in San Francisco

#  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y  z 

Pic Name Lender Loan # Profile Home Defenders  
Bernetta Adolph Wells Fargo Profile ACCE
Julie Anderson (and Hanson Lee)  Wells Fargo Profile ACCE
Constance Bridgewater Chase / Diversified Mortgage Consultants Profile ACCE
acce.foreclosure.romeo-baful Romeo Bufal Chase / Washington Mutual  1835186059 Profile, Alert ACCE
Nora Carrasco Wells Fargo Profile ACCE
Dexter Cato American Home Mortgage / Wells Fargo Profile ACCE
Thida Chan Bank of America Profile ACCE
Denise Collins Nationstar (Fortress/Aurora) Alert ACCE
Dorothy Crawford Wells Fargo (World Savings Pick-a-Payment)  Profile ACCE
Maria and Washington Davila Wells Fargo 0044522993 (owner’s name is Felisa Yambao) Profile Occupy Bernal
Betty Davis Fannie Mae, previously Bank of America / Countrywide Profile, Alert ACCE
Alberto del Rio Wells Fargo 47339080 (owner’s name is Gloria Lomeli) Alert    Profile Occupy Bernal
acce.foreclosure.gladys-dewitt Gladys Dewitt Wells Fargo (World Savings Pick-a-Payment) 0041103565 Profile ACCE
Pei Jun Ding and Michael Dow Wells Fargo Profile ACCE
   Mike Doyle Nationstar (Fortress/Aurora) Profile ACCE
Peter Fairfield Wells Fargo Profile ACCE
Larry Faulks Wells Fargo Profile Alert ACCE
  Sherrell Fennell-Murphy Nationstar (Fortress/Aurora) Profile ACCE
Kathryn Galves Wells Fargo 0044722973 Evicted March 28, 2012
Mary Gebrian JP Morgan Chase Profile ACCE
Tommie German Wells Fargo 44751501 Profile Occupy Bernal
photo71.rotated-cropped Jemal and Jamila Mohamed Getu Vericrest 9800937154 Profile, Alert ACCE
Victor Granados  Wells Fargo 5000039031 Profile Occupy Bernal
Ian Haddow JP Morgan Chase / Washington Mutual Alert ACCE
Roxie Harris Bank of America / Countrywide Profile ACCE
Amparo Hildago Bank of America Profile ACCE
  Emilia Hughetti Wells Fargo Profile ACCE
Henry Johnson Wells Fargo Profile ACCE
  Jesus Juarez Chase / Washington Mutual Profile ACCE
Monica Kenney Wells Fargo / Fannie Mae Profile ACCE
  Archbishop Franzo King Wells Fargo Profile ACCE
Hanson Lee (and Julie Anderson) Citibank Profile ACCE
David Lewis Wells Fargo Profile ACCE
Eric Wells Fargo Occupy Bernal
DeDe Martinez Wells Fargo 0046809208 Profile Occupy Bernal
Sheila McInnis Wells Fargo Alert ACCE
Joseph Melton Bank of America / NY Mellon Profile ACCE
Kim Mitchell Nationstar (Fortress/Aurora) Alert ACCE
Robert Moses Homeward (American Home Mortgage) Alert ACCE
    Merrie Jo and Edzel Musni Bank of America Profile ACCE
Daniel Pociernicki Nationstar (Fortress/Aurora) Profile ACCE
Ana and Nelson Ramos Chase / Washington Mutual Profile ACCE
Delmy and Jenny Ramos Citibank Profile ACCE
Benjamin and Irma Reed Wells Fargo Profile ACCE
Ross Rhodes Wells Fargo Profile Occupy Bernal
Alfred Richardson Bank of America Profile ACCE
  Vivian Richardson Nationstar (Fortress/Aurora) Profile ACCE
Myrna Sebastian Wells Fargo Profile ACCE
Mary Ann Serrano Wells Fargo Alert ACCE
Alice Smith Citigroup / PennyMac Alert Profile ACCE
  Dawn Swidorski OneWest (Indy Mac) Profile ACCE
Pascal Thiam Sterling Bank (of Spokane, WA) Profile ACCE
   Josephine Tolbert Bank of America Profile ACCE
  Ernesto Viscarra Wells Fargo 46110532 Profile Occupy Bernal
Sheila Walsh Wells Fargo 0999083991 Profile ACCE
    Yin Wong PNC Profile ACCE

Bay Area Fighters Outside San Francisco


Pic Name Lender Loan # Profile Home Defenders
Don and Tina Baird Chase (Washington Mutual) ACCE